Jump start your real estate business by getting involved with the community…..everyone wins!

Get involved to get your real estate business going……

The number 1 way to increase your business……is to be in front of people. Some agents try to do this through geographic farming, standing open houses, door knocking or other prospecting means.

How about a new approach, do something you enjoy doing AND oh by the way you happen to sell real estate. When you work side by side with people, toiling over a common goal or conversing about common interests and you later do business with them, you will find that business to be more meaningful, successful and fun.

When you lead as a salesperson you often loose, when you lead as who you are as a real person, everyone wins. Try these ideas and get involved.

Opportunities to Network:
Chamber of Commerce
Historical Society
United Way
Hospital Foundation
Navy League
Food Drive/Bank
Rotary Club
Whaling Days
Regional Economic Development Council
Literacy Council
Visitors and Convention Bureau
Symphony Foundation
Local theater group
Junior Achievement
Business and Professional Women’s Org.
Various Church Organizations
Humane Society
Boy/Girl Scouts
Local Search and Rescue
Kids Sports organizations
Local Golf & Country Club
Young Republicans
Young Democrats
Habitat for Humanity
Exercise Club/Gym
Seniors Computing
Bridge Club

So, now that I’m part of a group what do I do?
Write articles for news letter-Free
Show up to meetings-Free
Interact with members-Free
Volunteer for work parties-Free
Become a leader-Free
Sponsor something-Cost
Ad in Newsletter-Cost

Giving back to society
Personal satisfaction

Wear your name tag.
Whenever you write an article ensure your professional contact information is used.
Use your professional e-mail when corresponding with people you meet in these groups.
Make sure your signature block reflects your website and contact info.
Provide a page on your website for the organizations you belong to.

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