Shameless plug for Kindle

Some of you may ask what a Kindle has to do with real estate. I’m finding that this is becoming a valuable tool for me, and it does not always come down to “real estate”, this goes to quality of life. My Kindle has become part of my technology package. I always have it with me so as a result I’m finding that I’m reading more.

I’m amazed at all the of free books that are available. Just Google “free kindle books” and you too will be amazed at how many sources there are. Just take a few minutes and look around the Amazon Kindle store and you will find a lot of titles. Project Gutenberg is a great resource as well

In addition to books you can also have blogs and periodicals sent to your Kindle. I have also uploaded some referance documents that I freqently access.

So, what do I have on my Kindle so far?
-About 60 books (I only paid for about a third of them)
-2010 NAR Profile of Home Buyer and Sellers
-A Kindle World Blog
-The Apple Core (a blog that feeds my new found interest in all things Apple)
-Instapaper articles (
-My personal affirmations that I read daily
-MLS rules and regulations

Sure, there are other devices that allow you to read books on them, I’ve found however, that the Kindle is the best device for just reading books. I spent some time reading the other day with my wifes Ipad and found that it affected my eyes much the same way reading a computer screen does. I think it has to do with back lighting vs non back lighting. The Kindle does not back light so it is easier on my eyes.

In Short…I love my Kindle and I would highly recomend it if you like to read…please let me know your experiences, especially with other products.

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